Street Fighter III 3rd Strike Online NEWS

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    • 3SOE Title Update Plan/Details
      First off we’d like to thank everyone for all the feedback. It’s kind of a lengthy post but please read the whole thing if you are interested in the hows/whys of what we chose to fix, and what we are not addressing.
      Things we are confident we can fix:
      • Replacing Ping Colors with actual numbers (in milliseconds)
      • Matchmaking filters for region (can be set to same region you are in, or “any region”) & ping time
      • Lobby can be restricted to players from same region as you, or any region
      • EX Bars correct length
      • Improved Netcode (I talked about this a bit during the panel, if you want more details please refer to that)
      • Max 8 lobbies visible bug on PS3
      • Disable Stun as a Training Option
      • Rounds and Time Settings affect Arcade
      • Default Gill to “banned” in Player Match
      • Multi-match modes retains player’s super choice
      • Rank Cap resetting to 0
      • Option to disable the Challenge HUD from the sides in modes where they are visible
      Below is a list of things we’d like to fix but need to investigate further before committing. This stuff is just as high a priority as the above list (meaning: if everything below proves fixable within a reasonable amount of time we will address it all, but if some fixes prove troubling it will get cut from the list).
      • Investigate Gameplay Speed issue. We’re not sure what to do about this currently but agree it’s a “Big Deal.”
      • Investigate Dropped EXs. Having trouble reproducing this, if anyone has any tips please get in touch.
      • Investigate Player Color Choices being reflected in HUD (character portraits). We can’t use the original portraits due to the DLC we issued, so we need to find a way to integrate this into the existing portraits.
      • Investigate Lobby ready/unready on separate buttons.
      • Investigate Urien’s Refelctor 2p color issue. We need to dig into the game code a bit and see what’s going on.
      • Investigate Ryu’s bag not flopping over properly. Need to dig into the game code a bit and see what’s going on.
      • Investigate bug where P1 & P2’s characters can swap colors. We can repro this occasionally, so hopefully we can squash it.
      • Investigate Save State in Parry Training bug.
      • Investigate Consecutive Wins not being correct. The reason it’s broken now is related to a choice we made about multi-match modes, and it’s clear our choice was incorrect.
      • Investigate Mute/Mute All for Online Modes (PS3 Only).
      • Investigate Sound Cutting out mid-match. We’ve seen this, but it seems pretty rare (therefore hard to catch/fix).
      • Investigate Poison/Roxy 2p Color. Need to dig into the game code a bit and see what’s going on.
      • Investigate “Trashcan” Shoryu.
      • Investigate players getting kicked to player select inappropriately in online matches.
      • Investigate possibility of refining “region” choices more than “North America, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong.” This would be closer to the Skullgirls style of matchmaking, but is a bit more work than our proposed solution. If it is possible we will do this, as we agree it’s a “better” solution.
      • Investigate higher resolution for YouTube videos on 360.
      • Investigate graphical glitch in Remy’s stage w/ Scan Lines on.

      Stuff we are absolutely not addressing (and why). This isn’t a comprehensive list of every single request we received, but does cover most of the frequently requested features:
      • Any kind of rebalance. We talked about this a lot already, but if we were to change the balance in the game, we really should change the name of the game, as it would be different in a lot of meaningful ways.
      • Characters/Backgrounds from NG or GA. This isn’t intended to be a Street Fighter III anthology, this is 3SOE. This would also have to be DLC due to the size of the data, and some of the rules about maximum sizes of Title Updates made by the platform holders. There are no current plans to make new DLC.
      • Classic Music. Same as above, this would only be available as DLC as it would be entirely too large to be part of a Title Update. There are no current plans to make new DLC.
      • Input displays in replays and training. Agree this would be a nice addition, but there are concerns about 1) The amount of work to implement this and 2) There are patents around this stuff that make it a legal grey area.
      • Re-doing the Rating System. On 360 we use TrueSkill and on PS3 some approximation thereof. The amount of work to re-do this is substantial, and would require us to cut a nice chunk of features from the list of things we are already fixing (i.e. we think changing this is not good bang for buck).
      • Settable GGPO delay per-match like Skullgirls has. We personally don’t see much value in this, as this is largely just a personal preference the player has (how much delay am I willing to tolerate versus how much teleporting am I willing to tolerate), and the connection to your current opponent shouldn’t affect your personal threshold there at all. If you are a high level player who can feel the difference a few frames of lag makes and you drop combos, you will want that as low as possible no matter what. If you hate teleporting and are willing to deal with slightly slower reaction times you should make it higher. We also think that looking at ping in a lobby versus during a 3-minute match isn’t the best metric for setting that delay value.
      • Twelve’s X-Copy Voice. The CPS3 hardware had the ability to easily add effects to any sound on the fly, and while this is certainly possible to do on modern consoles, it is a significant amount of work (another case of not giving much bang for buck item in our view). This would require us to not fix other issues that affect the game 100% of the time, not just when you are playing as (or playing against) Twelve.
      • Color Editor. Would be better as DLC, is a relatively “big feature” in the grand scheme of things.
      • 360 YouTube to “private” channels. We are not allowed by Microsoft to do this, they won’t let us collect user names and passwords from players (which we would need to do to post to YouTube) under any circumstances.
      That’s not a complete list of items we received but it does represent the most-often asked for stuff.
      We will be starting on this soon, and we don’t have an end date in mind yet. We will update you when we have something meaningful to share. If you’ve got questions/comments feel free to reach

    • Oh bin mal gespannt. Da ich nicht mehr in Zördistan wohne, muss ich in Zukunft wohl auch mich mal wieder an 3rdOE ranwagen (auch wenn es mich nicht sonderlich erfreut...)
      Wäre schon gut, wenn der "improved netcode" dann auch was taugen würde.
      Follower of the
      ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
      Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
    • Der Netcode (bzw. GGPO) ist auch ein riesen Problem, das können und werden sie leider nicht fixen.

      der ggpo netcode is ja nur so ziemlich der mit abstand beste netplay der momenten existiert. sag mir bitte wonach ggpo sich zu orientieren haette wenn es um so etwas geht.
      ~ palmer can all ~

      [08:38.57] <+HandyVlaf> Behinner erzählst mir was über Third strike?
      [08:38.58] <+behinner> nein
    • Für CPS2, CPS3 bzw. 3s ist aber trotzdem sehr durchwachsen. Das alles liegt natürlich daran wie 3s programmiert wurde und wahrscheinlich auch an der Emulation.
      Ein eigens für 3s geschriebener Netcode wäre hier die bessere Lösung gewesen, frag mich eh wo die ganzen Gelder von denen immer die Rede ist investiert wurden.
    • man muss sich nix vormachen. 3SOE ist lediglich ein schmankerl für die fans. budget haben die keins, und ein mini-team obendrein.

      edit: die änderungen hätte man von anfang an implementiern können -> einfach das ggpo-design als vorlage nehmen. würde mich nicht wundern, wenn der ggpo-typ es ihnen nicht verkauft hat, weil sie zu wenig geboten haben (o.ä. behinderte geld-geschichte).

      random fact: der letzte gespielte automat schrägstrich szenetreff in peking ist passé. LOL als obs was ändern würde^^
      - Wämpaier Sejfjohr -

      SFIII, da bin ich dabei.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von [DZ]ZEE ()

    • Oha, hätte nicht gedacht, dass da noch ein Entwicklerteam Hand anlegt, aber die Liste der Verbesserungen ist ja nicht gerade klein. Wieso der Bug mit der BGM in der Mitte des Matches aber selten sein soll versteh ich nicht. Der Shit passiert immer.
    • der sound ist grundsaetzlich asynchron, immer!

      Und der gute no bgm bug, in der 2ten oder dritten runde gibts dann halt mal keine bgm, wer brauch die schon.
      The Matrix has its roots in primitive arcade games,' said the voice-over, 'in early graphics programs and military experimentation with cranial jacks....
      ― William Gibson, Neuromancer
    • Hatte noch nie bgm effekte. Ohne Scheiß. Nur beim replays gucken und rumspulen. Hör zwar immer mukke beim zocken aber das wäre mir aufjedsden aufgefallen.

      Was mir passiert ist und nicht drin steht:
      Gibt sonen bug, wenn man wen ausm Raum kicken will und man nicht schnell genug ist bevor der timer anfängt. Dann hat man die ganze Zeit das "do you want to kick bla" Fenster vor der Fresse. Sowohl beim specen als auch beim spielen. Hilft nur restart.
      Oder wenn jemand den Raum verlässt während man im char select screen ist (bin mir nicht sicher, auf jeden Fall irgendwann zwicschn lobby und match) kanns passieren, dass die chars so abgefahrene pixel Farben bekommen und man den char spielt den der Gegner ausgewählt hat. Ist imo aber eher n lustiges Gimmick. Nach dem match ist wieder alles normal.
      I AM BAYTOR!!
    • BerlinCalling schrieb:

      Für CPS2, CPS3 bzw. 3s ist aber trotzdem sehr durchwachsen. Das alles liegt natürlich daran wie 3s programmiert wurde und wahrscheinlich auch an der Emulation.
      Ein eigens für 3s geschriebener Netcode wäre hier die bessere Lösung gewesen, frag mich eh wo die ganzen Gelder von denen immer die Rede ist investiert wurden.

      cps2 und schlecht auf ggpo?
      spiel ich wohl ein anderes ggpo als du, würde auch die tatsache erklären wieso ich dich noch nie auf ggpo in einem cps2 spiel gesehen hab.
    • Update on 3SOE Patch

      Here’s an update on the Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
      Online Edition patch we’ve been working on. Below is a list of things
      we have successfully addressed to this point. If something from the
      previous list isn’t here, it doesn’t mean we can’t/won’t/aren’t fixing
      it. It only means we haven’t fixed it yet, or we haven’t been able to
      reproduce the issue thus far.

      • We were able to successfully address the Netcode complaints. The
        Netcode is identical to what’s in MvCO, which has received a great
        response thus far.
      • Replaced Ping colors with numbers (in milliseconds).
      • We added matchmaking filters for Region, Opponent Skill, and Ping.
        This works like MvCO, where they are managed from a separate screen for
        all online game modes.
      • Lobbies can be created to limit players to the same region you are in.
      • Fixed the 8-max lobby problem on PS3.
      • Added ability to “Mute All” on PS3. 360 players can handle this through the Guide.
      • Super Art gauges are now the correct length.
      • Fixed the color of Urien’s reflector for Player 2.
      • Fixed Ryu’s bag not flopping over correctly.
      • Added ability to turn off Challenges that appear on the side of the screen.
      • The Difficulty setting now affects Arcade Mode.
      • Fixed the visual glitch in Remy’s stage with Scan Lines on.
      • Added some graphics to indicate player color during mirror matches.
        We didn’t end up altering the character portraits, but instead put some
        colored lines next to it. This ended up looking better, and still
        achieves the goal of showing which player is what color(s).
      • Added “Disable Stun” to training options.
      • Defaulted Gill to “Banned” in Player Match.
      • The selection highlight remembers the last super you selected in
        multi-match modes. It doesn’t auto-pick it, the cursor just starts off
        on the last-selected super.
      • Rank should no longer get reset to 0.
      • Put Ready/Unready on separate controller buttons in lobby.
      • Fixed the Poison color being incorrect for Player 2.
      • Fixed some random locks/hangs.
      • Made some changes to how the leaderboards get updated on PS3.
      • YouTube uploads on 360 will be at 360p now.

      We still don’t have a date for when we will be done working on this
      update, let alone when it will go live. Look for another update down
      the line with more information on the other outstanding issues.
    • hmmm hab gerade schon auf srk ueberflogen, hört sich ganz gut an aber was ist mit dem laggy sound?!!!
      edit: ohhh yeah purple aegis :good:
      The Matrix has its roots in primitive arcade games,' said the voice-over, 'in early graphics programs and military experimentation with cranial jacks....
      ― William Gibson, Neuromancer

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von [STP]Mr.Broken ()

    • Der Patch liest sich so sinnvoll, ist sicher fake.

      Numerischer Ping?
      Vernünftige Filter?
      "cant believe this, only grand finals should be on start page, the raiden player healing care is mvc3 player and known mk9 hater.. obvious troll XDDD cant be more troll, i lol,d very very hard"
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