Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition - Last Update 2011-08-01 14:01

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    • Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition - Last Update 2011-08-01 14:01

      Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition

      Dies ist die erste Anlaufstelle für Infos bezüglich der Arcade Edition von SSF4. Daher bitte erst lesen und dann ggf. Fragen stellen.

      Was ist SSF4 AE?
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      SSF4 AE ist das Update zu Super Street Fighter IV. Die Arcade Edition wird sowohl als Disc, als auch als DLC herausgebracht.

      Wann wird SSF4 AE voraussichtlich erscheinen?
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      • 7. Juni 2011 [Playstation3]
      • 7. Juni 2011 [XBox360]

      • 7. Juni 2011 [Playstation3]
      • 7. Juni 2011 [XBox360]

      • 7. Juni 2011 [Playstation3]
      • 7. Juni 2011 [XBox360]

      • 16. Dezember 2010 [TaitoTypeX²]
      • 30. Juni 2011 [Playstation3]
      • 30. Juni 2011 [XBox360]
      • 15. Juli 2011 [PC]

      • 28. Juni 2011 [Playstation3]
      • 28. Juni 2011 [XBox360]
      • 5. Juli 2011 [PC]

      • 24. Juni 2011 [Playstation3]
      • 24. Juni 2011 [XBox360]
      • 8. Juli 2011 [PC]

      Wie viel wird SSF4 AE kosten?
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      Disc lt. 27,99 € , DLC 14,99 € / 1200 MS-Points

      Muss ich Downloadable Content nochmal kaufen?
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      Nein, bereits erworbener DLC muss nicht erneut gekauft werden.

      Wie viele Charaktere werden hinzugefügt?
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      4 Charaktere wurden hinzugefügt: Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu, Oni Akuma

      Muss ich diese Charaktere freispielen?
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      Nein, alle Charaktere werden von Anfang an spielbar sein.

      Gibt es neue Stages?
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      Nein, es wurden keine Stages hinzugefügt.

      Was erwartet mich zusätzlich in der Arcade Edition?
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      • Support für zusätzliche Alternativkostüme
      • Character balancing
      • Online-Titel In-game
      • Intros und Endings der neuen Charaktere im Arcade Modus
      • ein erweiterter Replay Channel, welcher es erlaubt mehrere Replays zu versenden
      • Elite-only Replay Channel, für Videos von Spielern mit mehr als 3000 PP
      • die Möglichkeit Replays von Lieblingsspielern zu “abbonieren”

      Wie sieht dieses Character balancing genau aus? Was wurde bei den einzelnen Charakteren verändert?

      Welche Systemvoraussetzungen hat die PC-Version von SSFIV AE?
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      Minimum Requirements:

      OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
      Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz and up
      Memory: 1 GB RAM
      Graphics: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 and up supported (operation on-board is not guaranteed)
      Video: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 and up (except for NVIDIA GeForce 7300), VRAM: 256MB and up (operation sharing with main memory is not guaranteed) or ATI Radeon X1600 and up VRAM: 256MB and up.
      Hard Drive: 4.5 GB free hard drive space
      Sound: DirectSound, DirectX9.0c Compatible Audio
      Other Requirements: Online play requires software installation of and log-in to Games For Windows – LIVE
      Recommended Hardware:

      OS: Windows Vista/Windows 7
      Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.0 GHz and up
      Memory: 2 GB RAM
      Graphics: DirectX 9.0c/Shader3.0 and up supported (operation on-board is not guaranteed)
      Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 and up, VRAM: 512MB and up (operation sharing with main memory is not guaranteed)
      Hard Drive: 4.5 GB free hard drive space
      Sound: DirectSound, DirectX9.0c Compatible Audio


      Was bedeuten die Zahlen hinter meinen PP und BP?
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      Die Zahlen hinter den PP und BP zeigen die momentane Plazierung in der Weltrangliste an.

      Soll heißen: Je mehr PP und BP, desto niedriger die Rankingzahl dahinter, desto höher die Platzierung in der Weltrangliste.

      Meh, die Twins sind viel zu stark - warum unternimmt Capcom nichts?

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 10 mal editiert, zuletzt von Kuronomaru ()

    • • Abel
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      • His Tornado Throw (Command Grab) does less damage now.
      • More recovery time on his Ultra 2, Breathless.
      • His Roll have a bit more recovery.
      • 2nd hit of Abel's Crouching Hard Punch has a smaller hitbox, both upward and downward.
      • Tornado Throw damage reduced.
      • Roll lost some of its hit invincibility at the end of it, making it easier to punish. There was no change to the recovery frames.
      • Ultra 1 had a 10% damage reduction. Ultra 1's new damage would range from 309-450. In SSF4 it was 343-500.
      • Ultra 2 10% damage reduction, slower startup, no super armor and a longer recovery time when you cancel out of it. New damage totals for Ultra 2 should range from 295-440. In SSF4 these were 328-480.

      • Adon
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      Normal Moves
      • Many of Adon's normals were buffed.
      • Crouching Light Punch, Close Standing Medium Punch and Crouching Hard Punch all had changes made to their frame data.
      • Close Standing Medium Punch, on hit, will have a frame advantage of +6, so it's possible to Link specials moves to combo, although it's still not Cancelable. This move was -1 on hit in SSF4.
      • Far Standing Light Punch, Far Standing Medium Punch and Crouching Medium Punch were given bigger hitboxes.

      Special Moves
      • EX Jaguar Tooth will not do the yellow EX Flash until he gets to the wall and is invincible to projectiles until grounded.
      • Medium Jaguar Kick's hitbox was changed, so Close Standing Hard Punch into Medium Jaguar Kick will register as a combo.

      • Super's (Varied Assault) startup changed to 7 frames, down from 9 in
      SSF4, and the first hit's hitbox is extended downward more.

      Other Stuff
      • Wakeup time was nerfed. Adon now takes longer to get up off the ground than he did in SSF4.

      • His buffs are centered around using his normals, so he will be stronger while on ground.

      • Akuma (Gouki)
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      Special Moves
      • Medium Punch Shoryuken's invincibility was lengthened, now he is completely invincible for the first 5 frames.
      • Air Hurricane Kick's jump arc was changed, so running away with it is impossible.
      • EX Hurricane Kick damage and stun were reduced.

      Ultra 2
      • His Ultra 2, when Canceled during teleport only, has bigger hitbox
      downwards. Standing Hard Punch, Teleport into Ultra 2, is possible now.

      Other stuff
      • During back dash, airborne frame comes immediately after invincibility frames end.

      • Considering balance, the runaway tactic with his Air Hurricane Kick
      was removed, but other things can be done as you currently can, so you
      will be able to apply your skill in SSF4 to SSF4 AE as well.

      • Balrog (M. Bison / Boxer)
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      • Balrog's Dirty Bull Ultra 2 is now a double half-circle back motion instead of a 720.
      • Damage for Close Standing Medium Punch was decreased slightly. It now forces opponent to stand on hit, and is Special Cancelable.
      • Far Standing Light Punch will miss crouching opponents.
      • Damage on Headbutt was decreased and it now has more recovery frames.
      • Ultra 2 (Dirty Bull) motion changed from a 720 to two half-circle backs + 3x Punch

      • Blanka
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      • Blanka bounces away about half the distance he used to after a blocked Beast Roll, making it much easier to punish. Azrael saw a Sakura player walk up after a blocked ball and punish it with a Crouching Medium Kick Canceled into her Dragon Punch. If his Beast Roll hits, Blanka bounces away the same distance as before.
      • Rock Crusher (Toward + Medium Punch) has less recovery. Rock Crusher, into Far Standing Light Punch into Beast Roll is possible now.
      • Beast Slide (Down-Toward + Hard Punch) has less active frames, as a result the whole animation time is shorter. Also, his hitbox during recovery has been increased.
      • His Forward Hop (Toward + 3x Kick) has more grounded frames of animation during start up, making him easier to grab out of it.

      Special Moves
      • The hittable box of his Beast Roll has been widened in size while rolling around, and the distance traveled after having it blocked has been altered. Distance on recovery from a blocked Beast Roll is now Light Punch and EX longest. Medium Punch, midlength, Hard Punch, shortest. So it is necessary to plan which one to use at which distance more so than it is now.
      • EX Backstep Rolling's (Rainbow Ball) forward distance has been reduced a little, so it's harder to escape from the corner. It is still possible to move forward and back based on joystick movement, though.
      • EX Electricity has much faster start up now, so it's easier to use.

      • C. Viper
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      • Ultra 2's hitbox size increased.

      • Cammy
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      • Cammy's normal moves are easier to combo with now, but Tiger Knee (instant) Canon Strikes are no longer possible. Can still Canon Strike normally, and the EX version can still be Tiger Kneed (done instantly). Spiral Arrow's distance to get 2 hits is shorter.
      • Close and Far Standing Light Punch recovery time decreased.
      • Close Standing Medium and Hard Punch recovery time decreased.
      • Crouching Light and Medium Punch and recovery time decreased.
      • These changes give Cammy more frame advantage with her Normals.
      • Cannon Spike flies less distance away after connecting, making it easier to punish.
      • Regular version of Cammy's Cannon Strike (Dive Kick) cannot be done as low to the ground as before. The EX version was unaffected.

      • Chun-Li
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      • Chun-Li's Crouching Hard Kick sweep doesn't do as much stun and it seems like the hit box for her Down-Toward + Light Kick (Somersault) had its hit box nerfed.

      • Cody
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      • speed is faster
      • EX Zonk Knuckle doesn't travel as far.
      • The hitbox on his Hard Ruffian Kick looks like it's better. A player was able to hit Zangief with it while he was crouching, and this doesn't connect in the console version of SSF4.
      • Medium Ruffian Kick travels a longer distance.
      • Regular Zonk Knuckle cannot be Focus Attack Dash Canceled.

      zUkUu schrieb:

      @gen = stimmt
      @cody lösch das alles und schreib DAS am besten rein:

      - now comes out in 3 frames. Should be more useable as a low poke with reach.
      - Crack Kick ( gets more juggle properties (e.g EX CU will hit full)
      - The range at which Cody can pick up the knife has increased.

      - NO Walkspeed Buff
      - NO less recovery for any special
      - NO change for knife itself

      Unconfirmed (based on AE Testers)
      - Faster walk speed
      - Ex Zonk's distance is shorter
      - HK Ruffian hits crouching opponents
      - MK Ruffian has more reach
      - Bad Stone has its Hitback increased [whatever hitback is]

      • Dan
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      • Dan gets more height off of his air taunt. Big whoop.

      Normal Moves
      • Close Standing Light Punch's startup is changed to 3 frames. This was 4
      frames in SSFIV.
      • Crouching Medium Punch's startup was changed to 5 frames, was 7 frames
      in SSFIV.
      • Close Standing Light Kick, Close Standing Medium Punch, Close Standing
      Hard Kick, Far Standing Light Punch, Crouching Light Punch, and
      Crouching Medium Kick's recovery time was reduced, so there are new
      combos available.
      • For example, Far Standing Light Punch into Crouching Medium Kick will
      combo along with Crouching Medium Punch 2x.
      • Neutral Jumping Hard Punch has pursuit property, and will slam
      opponents down to the ground when hit.

      Special Moves
      • Medium and Hard Dan Kicks damage distribution got adjusted.
      • Hard Dan Kick's total damage was decreased.
      • Koryuken (Dragon Punch) will give air reset on trade, this is likely
      on Dan, not the opponent.

      Ultra 2
      • Haoh Gadoken's invincibility was decreased to 8 frames after Ultra
      freeze. As a result, if it can be stuffed, and projectile will not come
      out when that happens.

      Normals are enormously buffed, so it became interesting in a close range
      brawl. This character is for pros, but this could be the one step
      forward for Saikyo!

      • DeeJay
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      • Dee Jay's Standing Hard Kick is apparently an overhead now.

      • Dhalsim
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      Normal Moves
      • Down-Back + Crouching Medium Punch has faster startup and less
      recovery time. Now this combo is possible, Down-Back + Crouching Medium
      Punch 2x into EX Yoga Flame.

      Special Moves
      • Faster startup time on the EX Yoga Flame, making it comboable from
      Medium Punch and Kick normal moves. Damage was reduced from 180 down to

      • Yoga Inferno (Super) damage was reduced to 300, down from 350.

      • During back dash, airborne frame comes immediately after invincibility frames end.

      • We looked through his damage again, and as a result he was nerfed a
      bit, but there are changes beneficial to Dhalsim in other parts of his
      game. He has a huge diversity between a good match-up and a terrible
      match-up, but he has strong potential in himself.

      • Dudley
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      • Dudley had an EX version of his "Ducking" attack added. This is where he slides forward and can punch or uppercut, it lacks Super Armor. This travels the same distance as the Hard Kick version, but recovers almost instantly, so if you go through a fireball you have a lot of options open to you.
      • Crouching Hard Kick (Launcher) has a faster start up time.
      • Jumping Hard Kick knocks down now in air-to-air situations.
      • Dudley's rose taunt has less recovery.

      E. Honda
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      • Overall damage has been reduced.
      • It may be harder to combo into his Hundred Hand Slaps.
      • Ultra 2 Oicho Throw has had its command changed from a 720 rotation to a 2x half-circle back motion.

      Special Moves
      • Light Punch Headbutt now has lower body invincibility instead of upper body invincibility, so it will be harder to utilize it as anti air.

      • Ultra 1 has projectile invincibility until the last active frame.
      • Ultra 2's command has been changed to two half-circle backs from a 720 motion. It's easier to get it out now. Also, while its range increased, it starts up in 2f so it's possible to dodge it after screen freeze.

      Other stuff
      • During backdash, Honda is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.

      • He had solid skills that builds high damage, so he had overall damage decrease. His basis of strength has not changed, so he can fight as he does now.

      • El Fuerte
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      • El Fuerte's Ultra Spark (Ultra 2) got a damage nerf.

      • Evil Ryu
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      • böser ryu.

      • Fei Long
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      Normal Moves
      Close and Far Standing Light Punch have an extra frame of advantage, making it +6 now.
      Close Standing Medium Kick has a 4 frame startup.
      Additional frame advantage on many moves.

      Less recovery on EX Rekka on hit and on guard.
      No invincibility on his Hard Flying Kick (Chicken Wing).

      Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end.
      Crouching Medium Kick still cannot be Canceled, earlier reports said this might happen.

      • Gen
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      • Gen's normal moves are supposedly easier to combo with now. His Ultra 2, Teiga (Double QCF 3x Kick) is faster.
      I overheard the Gen player saying he didn't feel there was anything different about the character though.

      • Two Target Combos have been added in. 1st: Crouching Light Kick into Crouching Medium Kick. 2nd: First hit of Standing Hard Punch into Standing Medium Kick.
      • Both Medium Kicks can be Canceled now, so go for more damage by Canceling into his Specials.
      • Standing Light Punch's hittable box from his elbow and onward has been deleted, so it's harder to get hit out of now.
      • Crouching Medium Punch's start up is faster, so it's possible to Link from Standing Light Punch and Crouching Light Punch.
      • Crouching Medium Punch can now be Canceled, providing good setups into his Hands special on hit or block.
      • Standing Hard Kick's range slightly increased. There is no hittable box from his ankle, so it might be useful as a footsie tool.
      • Ultra 2 downward hitbox improved, so it has less chance to whiff.

      Other Stuff
      • Traveling speed for Crane Style's Ultra 2 is faster, making it easier to connect with now.
      • During backdash, he's airborne right after invincibility wears out.
      • Gen received no nerfs.

      • Gouken
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      • Gouken's Light Rush Punch has no forward movement, but it is faster.
      • Gouken's counter move (Kongo) has been changed. It's now done with a reverse Dragon Punch motion with Punch. Light Punch deflects low attacks, Medium Punch for high and what Hard Punch does is still unclear.
      • The EX version of Gouken's counter hit (Kongo) is unchanged. The Hard Punch version has the same animation as the EX.

      Normal Moves
      • All of Gouken's normal moves have been improved.
      • Close Standing Hard Punch and Close Standing Hard Kick have more frame advantage.
      • Close Standing Medium Kick has 3 frame start up start-up, so it'll be easier to compete against some of the other fighters.
      • Neutral Jump Hard Punch and diagonal Jump Hard Kick have pursuit properties, and will slam opponents into the ground.
      • Ranges on his normal moves haven't changed.
      • Back grab has been changed to deal gray damage, so the combo damage from the grab has been decreased.

      (Translator's note: They're probably saying that the back grab deals 0 gray damage, so it'll get scaled as a combo as well.)

      Special Moves
      • In specials, Light Punch Running Palm (Senkugoshoha) has been drastically changed, so it will connect from weak attacks (Light Punch/Light Kick), and EX Hurricane Kick locks opponent, making it easier to combo.
      • Recovery of the Demon Flip Focus has been significantly decreased, making it easier to utilize.
      • Kongo (Counter) is changed as well. To be precise, it can only be activated now by using Punch buttons and the strength of the Punch changes where it sets up a counter hit at. Light for low attacks, Medium for middle attacks, and Hard for upper body attacks.

      Other Stuff
      • During backdash, Gouken is now considered airborne right after invincibility ends.

      • His normal and special moves have been changed, and he will be able to do new things while retaining old tactics.
      • As a result, his 'easiness' might have been changed, but you will be able to enjoy strategies different from Ryu and Akuma.

      • Guile
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      • Guile's damage has been nerfed and his Sonic Boom no longer builds Super meter. It seems unlikely that the latter change will stay in the game, though. Another player using Guile said he felt like he was more or less the same, so the damage nerf may not have happened either.
      Guile's Sonic Boom most definitely builds meter, whoever said that it doesn't is a bloody dolt and is blind as a bat

      • Guy
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      • Hit box on Medium Punch, Hard Punch chain combo was fixed, it no longer will miss against some players who crouch.
      • Hard Punch Dashing Elbow is faster and can be used to hit characters out of their fireballs a little easier. Light Punch Dashing Elbow is now safe on block against Zangief and T. Hawk's 360 command grabs.
      • Ultra 2 has been improved. Less recovery time and the distance on it was fixed, so it's very comparable to Rose's normal throw range. According to one player, this is the Ultra of choice now, period.
      • His slide is faster.
      • Toward + Medium Punch overhead hits twice.
      • Crouching Light Kick damage decreased. Has a 3 frame startup now.
      • Far Standing Medium Kick has faster startup time and less recovery.
      • Far Standing Medium Punch hitbox improved.
      • Towards + Medium Punch (Overhead) is two hits now and no longer leaves you at a frame disadvantage on hit.
      • EX Run timing for followups is the same as the regular version now.
      • EX Run Stop follow up has Super Armor.
      • EX Run Slide follow up has projectile invincibility.
      • Super does more damage, and fixed some problems with it not connecting after a combo.
      • Guy seems a lot better overall.

      • Hakan
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      • Hakan's Oil Shower stacks, i.e. it can be applied multiple times, which adds to the overall time it stays on.
      • Capcom also gave him a Kick follow up after performing his Oil Shower. Also, he can reportedly combo Standing Light Kick into his Oil Shower.
      • Hakan's 360 command grab with Kick can be canceled. This is where he runs in place and if you let go of the button he attempts to jump towards his opponent and grab them.
      • His Slide has now two options afterwards. Pressing Punch does an additional attack you've seen before, but pressing a Kick button oils him up.
      • Jump arc may have been changed.

      • Ibuki
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      Normal Moves
      • There have been changes to her normal moves.
      • Standing Light Kick has a 4 frame start-up, so it'll be easier to utilize as a weak attack.
      • Standing Medium Kick got changed to have a 5 frame start-up so it's possible to use it as the starting point of combos.

      Special Moves
      • Kunai's (Dagger Toss) damage was decreased.
      • Neck Breaker had damage and stun nerf.
      • Jump back Kunai's trajectory has been changed to nearly straight vertical-wise.

      Other Stuff
      • A Crouching Hard Kick into Standing Hard Kick Target Combo was added.
      • It works in the same way as the later part of her Target Combo 6, but it added in more strategies.
      • Her Jump Flip (Tsuijigoe) would register as a counter hit when she was hit out of it, so this was fixed.

      Some of the normal moves have been buffed, and some special moves nerfed, but her potential will be the same as she is now.
      She will still be the same character when she is in control of the game, so it'll be fun to utilize her!

      • Juri
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      • Juri's Fireball can be comboed into after the Kick part of the move connects.
      Special Moves
      Her Fireball Kick (projectile) knocks the opponent higher up into the air. Now you can combo it into a Pinwheel Kick, for example.
      Less stun and damage on the kick part of the Fireball Kick.

      No changes to Ultra 1, but because of the changes to the kick part of the Fireball Kick, it's easier to score knockdowns.

      Faster foot speed, while walking towards and backwards.
      EX Focus Attack hitbox improved (this could be incorrect, translation was a little fuzzy).

      • Ken
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      • Ken's EX Hurricane Kick can be blocked low. He has more recovery on his Light Dragon Punch, but can juggle after a Light anti-air Shoryuken with an EX Fireball, just like Ryu.

      Normal Moves
      Less recovery time on Crouching Medium Punch. He can now combo Crouching Medium Punch into Crouching Medium Kick.
      Improved the hit box for Crouching Light Punch.
      Target Combo hit box (Medium Punch into Hard Punch) also had its hitbox improved.

      Special Moves
      Light Punch Shoryuken has 2 extra frames of recovery, but now does 120 damage. It did 100 damage in SSF4.
      EX Fireball can juggle twice in the air, so now you can get full juggle off a Light Punch Shoryuken into EX Fireball.
      EX Air Hurricane Kick can now be blocked high or low. Used to be that it had to be blocked high.

      Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end.

      • Makoto
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      • Makoto's EX Dash Punch (Hayate) now breaks armor.
      • She slightly faster walk speed.
      • Her Axe Kicks are more like they were in Third Strike.
      • Fukiage (Upwards Punch) takes off more life. The hitbox for this may have been improved though, but it's not conclusive so far.
      • EX Overhead Chop (Oroshi) has more invincible frames.

      • Crouching Light Kick has more range.
      • Standing Light Kick can now be Kara Canceled.
      • Crouching Hard Kick hit box extended, and the damage box has been lowered slightly, making it easier to use as an anti air.
      • Crouching Hard Punch has slightly more active frames.
      • Toward + Light Punch has a 3 frame startup (formerly 4 frames).

      Special Moves
      • EX Hayate (Dash Punch) now breaks armor and has a slightly faster startup.
      • Fukiage (Upwards Punch) when the arm is fully extended, the hittable box from her chest up is now barely there, attack box extended, so there are now almost no cases where it trades or is stuffed. It still can't hit grounded opponents. The start up for all versions have been revised (I'd assume to be faster)
      • EX Tsurugi (Axe Kick) is now similar to EX Cannon Strike in what height the technique can be executed at.
      • Ultra 1 damage distribution has been change. It still does the same total damage, but because of the change, will do more when the scale kicks in.
      • Ultra 2 has a faster startup time.

      • Makoto's stamina is now 1,000, which is the average stamina rating in the game.
      • Forward and back dash are faster.
      • Hard Punch Hayate, Focus Attack Dash Cancel, Crouching Light Kick, now combos.

      • M. Bison (Vega / Dictator)
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      Normal Moves
      • If you hit with Standing Hard Kick from the knee up it does 80, if you hit with it from the knee down, does 110 damage.
      • Crouching Light Kick's hittable box was made slightly larger, making it easier to counter.

      Special Moves
      • Light Scissor Kicks push back further when blocked, making it harder
      to punish him, but also making it more difficult to keep pressure on
      with Crouching Light Kick afterwards.

      • Super is projectile invincible during its active frames.

      Ultra 2
      • Ultra 2 is now a charge command, damage was also increased to 450. Was previously 420.

      • Comparatively, he is above standard in terms of a character's
      strength, but he's more dependent on players' skills due to the

      • Oni Akuma
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      Kuronomaru schrieb:

      "Japanese Developer Blog" schrieb:

      SSF4 Arcade Edition developers discuss Oni


      • Kuruoshiki Oni (which I shall translate as Batsh**-Insane Oni) was created to be beyond Shin Akuma.

      • Created using Akuma as a base, but because of his different appearance, techniques, properties, etc., he's pretty much an entirely different character.

      • Higher health, stun than Akuma.


      • Does not have close/far normals, similar to Makoto or Dudley.

      • About half of his normals are new.

      • Some of his normals are similar to Akuma's, while others are not, so try to figure out where and how to use them.

      Standing Hard Punch

      • Steps forward while doing an upward diagonal palm thrust.

      • Forces stand.

      • At close range, will combo with a Hurricane Kick.

      • Has better reach than Standing Light Punch and has a strong upward-reaching hitbox, so at the proper distance, can be used as anti-air.

      • 6 frame start-up, 4 frames active, 17 frame recovery. Won't Link from any of his normals, but since you can use it for an easy combo as part of Target Combo 2, it will get frequent usage.

      Toward + Hard Punch

      • Takes a large step forward while doing a palm thrust to the midsection.

      • Has the longest horizontal reach of his normals.

      • Even on block it's difficult to punish because of the distance, so it's effective as a poke.

      • Has projectile properties, so can neutralize projectile attacks. Won't work against multi-hitting projectiles, however.

      • Super-cancellable.

      • 11 frame startup, 6 frames active, 18 frame recovery; +0 on hit, -9 on block.

      Standing Medium Kick

      • At close range, does two hits.

      • Relatively fast start-up, and has reach, so you can use it as a poke, but use with caution, as it will whiff against crouching opponents from a distance.

      • First hit is Special and Super-cancellable.

      • 5 frame start-up, 1 frame active (first hit) 4 frames active (second), 14 frame recovery.

      • Can link from Standing Light Punch and other attacks.

      Toward + Medium Kick

      • Does a spin while performing a forward roundhouse kick.

      • Has the second longest reach, after Toward + Hard Punch.

      • Different from Toward + Hard Punch, as it keeps Oni moving forward after the motion, so intentional whiffs can be an effective way to close in.

      • Rather slow start-up for a Medium Kick, so it's best to not abuse it.

      • 12 frame start-up, 2 frames active, 13 frame recovery; +2 on hit, -2 on block.

      Toward + Hard Kick

      • A high back roundhouse, in a similar motion to Ryu's Standing Hard Kick.

      • Knocks down against air opponents, so you can follow up with certain specials in the corner.

      • Spaced properly, you can hit your opponent out of the start of a forward jump.

      Crouching Hard Kick

      • A crouched spinning sweep.

      • 8 frame start-up, 2 frames active, 24 frame recovery.

      • Won't link with any of his normals, but has good reach and a strong hitbox.

      • On block, can be punished with Ultra Combos by nearly all characters, so it's best to use it from a far distance, where it's difficult to punish.


      • Back + Medium Punch (Ganka Uchi).

      • Fast, links from Standing Light Punch (and other attacks).

      • Special and super-cancellable.

      • Target Combo 1: Toward + Light Punch, Standing Medium Punch.

      • Target Combo 2: Back + Medium Punch, Standing Hard Punch.

      • Both are cancellable.

      • Can used for various combos, but since too many hits will affect total damage, use it based on the match-up and your own preference.


      • Special moves: Gohadoken, Gorai Hadoken (Roaring Thunder Hadoken), Zanku Hadosho (air dash), Goshoryuken, Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, Air Tatsu, Sekisei Jiraiken (Red Star Landmine Fist, aka fist pound), Rakan Dantojin (Arhat Tower Slice Blade, aka palm slice).

      • All except Zanku Hadosho have EX versions.

      • Tatsu and Palm Slice are Armor Breaking.

      Explanation of some EX move properties:

      EX Gohadoken

      • The normal version is chargeable, will reach full-screen and hit twice, but the EX version already has those properties and is not chargeable.

      • Doesn't knock down ground opponents, so you can create various combos from FADCs.

      EX Rakan Dantojin (Palm slice)

      • Medium Kick version has projectile-invincibility only during the forward movement at start-up, but the EX version is projectile-invincible until the end of active frames.

      • Slow technique, so if you're too far away, you'll go through the fireball but won't hit your opponent in time.

      EX Sekisei Jiraiken (Fist pound)

      • Normal version is one hit, can be blocked low, but the EX version is two-hit, overhead on the first hit only.

      • Has a prolonged hitbox when his fist hits the ground, so depend on how it hits, it can be difficult to punish even when blocked.

      • Knocks down, so you can follow up the attack with a combo.


      • Super Combo is Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon).

      • Can also be done in the air, but only hit air opponents. Like the ground version, can be kara-cancelled.

      ULTRA 1

      • Ultra 1 is Meido Gohado.

      • Ultra 1 does 350 damage from a distance, but 450 point-blank.

      • Ultra 1 gives you access to Messatsu Gotenha (upward fireball version) and Messtasu Gozanku (air fireball version). Neither do particularly high damage, but find ways to use them and include them in your fighting strategy.

      ULTRA 2

      • Ultra 2 is Tenchi Sokaigen, does high damage, is projectile-invincible.

      • At close range, a hit will lock your opponent in the cinematic.

      • Doesn't do much damage outside of the cinematic, so move in close when using the move.

      • Can be comboed from FADCs, so we recommend players who prefer damage to use this Ultra.

      • 525 damage on a clean hit (i.e. the second most-damaging Ultra in the game, only surpassed by oiled Hakan's Oil Coaster).


      • Like Evil Ryu, the boss version in Arcade Mode has totally different properties.

      [Quelle: Eventhubs

      Was die Neuzugänge angeht, kann ich Shii nur zustimmen. Die Twins find ich ok, Oni könnte etwas interessant werden, da er kein C&P-Char ist - aber Uwe ist für mich auch eher ein verschwendeter Slot... der flashy DBZ-Look der beiden ist prädestiniert für 1337-Online-Boons und Animu-Narutards ...

      • Rose
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      • Rose's Ultra 2 (orbs) are no longer invincible to attacks. She supposedly has a faster Focus Attack as well.

      Super Move
      • Her Super will no longer work when there is a Soul Spark in the screen. It is still possible to Cancel into Super from a Soul Spark, though.

      Ultra 2
      • Soul Satellite (Ultra 2) has been changed. For the sake of balance, its invincibility has been decreased (or erased).

      Normals, her projectile, anti air and her basic tactics will stay, so basically, Soul Satellite is the only one that has really been changed.

      • Rufus
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      Special Moves
      EX Messiah does less damage. It took off 100 damage in SSF4.

      When Ultra 2 (Big Bang Typhoon) is used as an anti-air, it won't fully connect, so it does less damage in these scenarios now.

      Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end.

      • Ryu
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      • Akuma and Ryu's Air Hurricane Kicks are no longer as effective for escaping bad situations. If these are done in the air before hitting the peak of the jump, they'll become floaty and go nowhere. If you're at the peak of the jump or on your way down, they work pretty much the same. Crossing up with a Hurricane Kick still works, though.
      • Far Standing Medium Punch is now Special Cancelable.
      • Close Standing Medium Kick damage increased.
      • Close Standing Hard Kick has more frame advantage on hit and block. You can Link into a Shoryuken now with it.
      • Decreased Crouching Medium Kick active frames.
      • Towards + Hard Punch (Dash Punch) damage decreased.
      • Jump arc nerfed on his Air Hurricane Kick. It's more difficult to run away with this, but crossups with it will be more ambiguous.
      • EX Air Hurricane Kick will not longer miss last few hits.

      • Sagat
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      • Tiger Uppercut damage increased.
      • More recovery time on his Tiger Knee.
      • Standing Light Kick from Vanilla SF4 is back. It's one hit, can be Canceled into special moves, bigger hit box and it takes off roughly 40 damage.
      • Light Kick Tiger Knee is more like Vanilla SF4. Some people say his Medium and Hard Tiger Knees are useless now.
      • More recovery time on High Tiger Shots. His fireball game is a lot worse than it was.
      • Angry Scar is now executed with a Kick button.

      • Sakura

      • Seth
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      • Seth's Jumping Hard Punch is gone, the stretchy arm one copied from Dhalsim. Now Seth does something akin to Guile's Crouching Hard Punch.
      • Down + Medium Kick in the air (toe taps) had their hitbox weakened.
      • Ultra 1 is now 'fireball-like', so it can be deflected by other character's projectiles.
      I talked with Kinpatsu earlier today about the changes to Seth since he's a Seth player, and he said that Seth is just a totally new character now, and Seth players will have to start from scratch with him. Basically, if you play him like you did in the past, you're going to lose, but you can still win.

      • T. Hawk
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      Normal Moves
      • Close Standing Hard Kick's recovery time reduced, and changed frame advantage to be +4 on hit.
      • Far Standing Hard Kick's hitstun and blockstun were increased, making it harder to punish.
      • Neutral Jumping Hard Kick has slightly more active frames.

      Special Moves
      • EX Condor Dive can be used by itself now, by pressing all three Kick
      buttons. It's different from the regular version, as you can do it while
      jumping backwards as well, and it's invincible to projectiles until its
      active frames end.
      • Light Punch Condor Spire's hitbox was extended forward.
      • Condor Spire's meter gain upon activation was increased.

      • Increased his Super's grab range to be the same as his Light Punch Mexican Typhoon. Was previously 1.35 range and is now 1.5.

      Ultra 2
      • Ultra 2 has a faster startup time, and its invincibility window was
      lengthened and it remains active longer, making it very easy to use as
      an anti air attack.

      • A solid buff was applied to Specials, Super and Ultra, and some tweaks
      were made to his normal moves. Basically, there are only buffs, so
      it'll be easier to face casts that were bad match-ups in SSF4.

      • Vega (Balrog / Claw)
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      Normal Moves
      Crouching Medium Kick start up is now 6 frames, which is 2 frames faster.
      Crouching Medium Punch and Crouching Medium Kick do less damage.

      Unique Attacks
      • More recovery time for Cosmic Heel (Down-Toward + Hard Kick, Launcher) on block.

      Special Moves
      Less recovery time on EX Rolling Crystal Flash.
      You can now combo Crouching Medium Punch from an EX Rolling Crystal Flash.

      His Ultra 2 has slightly more startup time.

      Is considered to be mid-air right after the invincibility frames of his backdash end.

      • Yang
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      • Yang's command dash was in and crossed up like Ibuki's in SSF4.
      • His EX Fist Slashes looked like a great move, crazy fast. It's really easy to combo into his regular Fist Slashes as well, as the window between each hit is fairly lengthy.
      • He also has his Third Strike target combos.
      • Yang's Ultra 1, Raishin Mahhaken, makes him throw out a single attack — if it connects cleanly, animation follows. If not, the ultra ends there — similar to Makoto's Ultra 1. This will only connect from close range.
      • Ultra 2, Tenshin Senkyuu, rolls forward along the ground and goes up in the air with a rising kick. If Yang connects cleanly on the ground with the roll portion, the rest of the animation kicks in. If not, Yun goes up in the air with kicks. This Ultra will pass under fireballs and it has some tracking properties. If his Ultra 2 is started while the opponent is in the air, Yang will rise up with kicks where they're jumping, but in this scenario it won't lead to full damage. This can be comboed into off of a Focus Attack Dash Cancel or Medium Kick Launcher for less damage, again it won't connect fully in these situations.
      • Yang's Super is his Seiei Enbu (Custom Combo) from Third Strike. Works much the same way, but not as good as Yun's.
      • Yang can do his Up Kicks, Focus Attack Dash Cancel into EX Fist Slashes. Crouching Medium Kick Canceled into Fist Slashes also works.
      • Yang's Dive Kick is the same as Yun's, or at least very close to it. The angle his Dive Kick comes in at is decided by the button you press, just like in Third Strike.
      • Yang's Palm move has a really big hit box. EX Palm performs a wall bounce, but couldn't connect Ultra 2 afterwards. This could have been a timing issue.
      • Yang's Ultra 1, during start up, lost to T. Hawk's Rising Hawk but beat his 360 command grab.
      • Color 1 is pinkish, Color 2 is purple.

      The Japanese Super Street Fighter 4 development team posted a blogrunning down some of the abilities of Yang in the upcoming game, which was recently translated.
      Since this is a translation, it may not be 100% accurate. Hit the jump for the entire post.

      About Yang, Blog Post No. 1
      Greetings. This is the Developer Blog.
      The release date for new costumes on home consoles has been announced. We put our all into making them, so please do enjoy these as well!
      This time brings us the younger brother of the twins, Yang. I'd like to talk about his normal moves. As in Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, his style is similar to Yun's. SSF4 Arcade Edition's tuning continues that approach.

      He fights with quick attacks at short to medium range, stopping the enemy from acting with closely spaced strings. He is a character who pressures his opponent with a combination of strikes and grabs. The potential of his short-range moves is extraordinarily high, so "how to get close to the opponent" should be an important point. Since his debut, his stamina has been below average, so he cannot afford to take heavy damage. Please be cautious of this.

      Normal attacks
      Like Yun, Yang has the same lineup of normal moves that he did in SFIII:3S.
      From among those, I think I'll bring up a few for representative purposes.
      Standing Light Punch has significantly short recovery time, and a long reach compared to most light attacks. It can be used as a poke, and leads to various combos on hit.
      Close Medium Kick: like in SFIII:3S, connecting with this will put the opponent into a juggle state for follow-up damage. Once again, it can be jump-canceled on hit or block in order to continue your offense.
      Crouching Medium Kick is central to his offense, Yang's attack of choice. Like in SFIII:3S, it is special-cancelable, comboing into Tourou Zan (Fist Slashes) for example. I think you will find quite a lot of chances to make use of this.
      From long range, Yang can use Far Hard Punch as a poke. It takes a little while to extend, but you can aim to land some good hits at the fingertip area.

      Unique Attacks (Command Normals)
      Yang has 2 Unique Attacks: Senpuukyaku (Whirlwind Leg) and Raigekishuu (Thunderbolt Kick).
      The position at which the twins can start a Dive Kick is similar to Rufus's dive - it won't come out at extremely low altitudes, but the Light, Medium, and Hard versions will descend at varying angles. You may want to make skilled use of these dives to take the fight to close quarters. Senpuukyaku (Whirlwind Leg) is an off-the-ground overhead move. You can use it to evade a low attack while scoring a hit.

      Target Combos
      There are 3 target combos for Yang.
      TC1 (Towards-jump Medium Kick -> Down-Towards + Medium Kick),
      TC2 (Standing Medium Punch -> Standing Hard Punch -> Back + Hard Punch),
      TC3 (Standing Light Kick -> Standing Medium Kick -> Standing Hard Kick).
      TC1 is a Target Combo from Towards-jump Medium kick.
      If you use the two strikes skillfully to land a hit on an opponent below you, you'll earn some considerable frame advantage.
      TC2 is common to both brothers.
      The final hit, activated with Back + Hard Punch, is super-cancelable.
      TC3 starts with a Light Kick, so since it comes out fast, there are many opportunities to use this Target Combo.
      If all the hits are blocked, Hard Kick will push the opponent back a good distance, so it can be difficult for them to land a counterattack.
      TC3 once more includes Standing Medium Kick, but in this game it can be jump canceled. Please look for the possibilities that come from this.

      That's as far as I go this time.
      Next time I'd like to focus on special moves.
      Well, see you next week!

      About Yang, Blog Number 2
      Greetings! This is the Developer Blog!
      As we eat the delicious autumn fare to our hearts' content, we're doing our best to operate at full power.

      Maximizing our output is the goal. This time I'd like to talk about Yang's special moves.

      Special Moves
      Tourou Zan (Fist Slashes) is Yang's quintessential special move. By repeating the input, the normal version goes up to 3 hits, while the EX version can go up to 5 hits. These create Yang's main source of damage. It would be best to constantly practice how to use normal moves to reliably set up the use of this special move.
      Senkyuutai (Roll Kick) is similar to how it was in SFIII:3S. The Light version stays in place, while the Medium and Hard versions will roll towards the opponent from a distance, tracking their position and setting off an attack.The Light version is meant for anti-air, and the Medium and Hard versions can be used as a countermeasure against projectiles for a potential combo.
      Byakko Soushouda (Palm) has Light, Medium, Hard, and EX versions, all with different uses. Light is a feint, Medium causes damage with no knockdown, Hard causes damage and knocks the opponent away, and EX causes damage and a wallbounce. It's possible to apply these in different ways depending on what the situation requires. Also, the Medium Punch Palm can be super-canceled. Coupled with his Super, it's possible to take away plenty of life in one combo.
      Kaihou (Command Dash) is a movement technique with variable effects depending on whether the Light, Medium, Hard, or EX versions are used. the methods of usage for this move are varied, such as traveling behind the opponent or as a wakeup escape.

      Also, lots of combos can come about by using this move while your Super is active. Zenpou Tenshin (Flip Grab) is a command throw that leaves the opponent standing. This move does no damage by itself, but if you hit with it, you'll spin behind the opponent and still have frame advantage (can combo them). Please use this as one of your options in a close range fight.

      Super Combo
      Yang's Super Combo is Seiei-Enbu (Starlight Waltz). Activate it and 2 copies of Yang will appear, linked to the real one's movements and mimicking his attacks. Triggering this from a Super-Cancel against a waking-up enemy can be a good situation to play tricks on the opponent. Find your own personal combos and learn to turn the battle in your favor in a single moment.

      Ultra Combos
      Ultra Combo 1 is Raishin Mahhaken (Thunderclap Demon-Break Fist). This Ultra Combo has a reliable period of invincibility, and the initial hit will always follow into full damage. It might be difficult to combo into it, but if you manage to hit with it you'll be rewarded with high damage.
      Ultra Combo 2 is Tenshin Senkyuutai (Switch Around Roll Kick). Like the special move Senkyuutai, this Ultra Combo will track the opponent's position and set off an attack. The damage is lower than Raishin Mahhaken, so its mainly used against opponents with strong projectiles, and it can be easily comboed into. If the first hit connects against a grounded opponent, it will go into the full animation, but if it hits an airborne opponent, an animation will play like the one from SFIII:3S, and the opponent will take juggle hits, doing less overall damage.
      With that, Yang's turn comes to a close.

      Like with Yun, we were able to overcome all sorts of hurdles. We were worked up about how that hairdo would turn out on a 3D model, but there was no need for concern when a handsome man like him was involved!

      • Yun
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      • Yun's Super is the infamous Genei Jin (Custom Combo) from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, it's performed with a 2x quarter-circle back motion, and can be Canceled into from his Palm.
      • The Genei Jin has the trailing shadows you remember and he can Cancel the recovery on all moves, plus everything juggles. A few players were able to land combos that took off 40-50% of their opponent's life, and went up to 50-60% when they had them cornered. Also, this can be Super Canceled into off of Yun's Shoulder Attack.
      • Ultra 1 is his You Hou, it hits four times, but the last hit is a Launcher. If the first hit connects cleanly, he will go into animation. If not, Yun does the other attacks anyway, like Makoto's Ultra 2. This can be Focus Attack Dashed Canceled into from his Shoulder Attack. He can also follow up an Ultra 1 with his Lunge Punch or Genei Jin combos, but only if you activate before you land the Ultra 1.
      • Ultra 2 is a punch rush, if the final hit connects cleanly Yun goes into animation where he rides his opponent in the air like a skateboard,then kicks them down to the ground. This does not combo from any Focus Attack Dash Cancels because of its short range.
      • All Yun's specials from Third Strike are in the game. Including his Palm, Flip Grab, Dragon Kicks, Shoulder Attack, etc. Light Punch Palm is a fake, Medium and Hard change the distance the opponent flies away. This move has a really big hit box.
      • It doesn't seem possible to Focus Attack Dash Cancel Yun's Dragon Kicks, or the timing is weird.
      • His Dive Kick is good, but you cannot do it as close to the ground as Rufus can. Also, like in Third Strike, the button pressed when doing this move determines the angle it comes in at.
      • Overhead, Toward + Medium Kick, can crossup a grounded opponent.
      • Yun's Shoulder Attack seemed to have worse range than you'd think. His Dragon Kicks also seemed to trade quite a bit, but the EX version seems like it will be good anti air.
      • Yun has his Third Strike target combos.
      • Some players have claimed Yun feels "sluggish" like Makoto in SSF4.
      • Yun's Ultras do not combo off his Standing Medium Kick Launcher.
      • Color 1 is blue, Color 2 is yellow.
      Yun color 1 is Blue, color 2 is yellow.

      About Yun No. 1

      It's been a while. The Developer Blog is resuming now!
      To the many location test participants, we extend our utmost thanks.
      Having taken into consideration such a large amount of feedback, we will keep on with our round-the-clock development in pursuit of the prime competitive fighting game. From today on we'll be trying to run at maximum output.
      I thought I'd come tell you about the elements updated from the home version of SSF4, so first, I'll start with the normal moves breakdown for this new character, Yun!

      General Concept
      The goal of the development effort was to make Yun a good fit in the SSF4 Arcade Edition system, while maintaining his image from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike as much as possible. Using the Raigekishuu (Dive Kick) along with Yun's diverse rushdown moves, play tricks on the enemy with his agile, light movements, while articulating strings with few gaps to steadily pressure the opponent into taking your attacks, until you can build up the Super Combo gauge and activate his Super, Genei-jin, for a combo. Combining these aspects should be the goal for any Yun's battle plan.
      Yun's vitality and attack power are on the low side, so in order to increase his chances of getting in contact with a troublesome opponent, the number of Cancelable normal moves has increased since Street Fighter 3 Third Strike. Due to SSF4's system where it is more difficult to build meter than it was in SF3 Third Strike, and since EX Special Moves tend to be designated as countermeasures against projectiles, Yun's Super Combo, Genei-Jin, was strengthened a little.
      For players accustomed to the Yun in SF3 Third Strike, or for players who like to use mobility to create a close-range fight and have a taste for unique combos, I might venture to say that this is a character intended for you.

      Normal Moves
      While Yun's normal move lineup looks similar to their animations in SF3 Third Strike, their uses in SSF4 Arcade Edition have received tuning. Let me bring up some examples...
      Close Light Kick and Far Light Kick are Cancelable pokes with quick startup times.
      Far Medium Punch is a poke with a relatively good hitbox that leads to a Target Combo, although this time it is possible to Cancel it. If you happen to have meter, you could get into Genei-Jin (Super) from here by means of a special move.
      Close Medium Kick can be jump-canceled on hit or block. A clean hit on the opponent should allow a variety of juggles to look forward to.
      Crouching Light Kick has a fast startup and can be linked into normal moves, a low-hitting combo starter.
      Crouching Medium Kick is well suited for occasional use as a poke due to its range and fairly quick startup.
      In the air, Jumping Medium Kick can hit as a jump-in from far away, Jumping Hard Kick is an air-to-air measure, and Jumping Hard Punch is a jump-in combo starter.

      Unique Attacks (Command Normals)
      Yun has 3 Unique Attacks: Senpuukyaku (Overhead), Dakai (Toward + Hard Punch), and Raigekishuu (Dive Kick).
      Although it can be blocked low, the trajectory of the Dive Kick will change depending on the button pressed, so it should see wide usage as a surprise attack from the air.
      His Overhead (Toward + Medium Kick) and Toward + Hard Punch gain different properties during Genei-Jin. You can make use of these during your combos and attack strings.

      Target Combos
      Yun has 5 Target Combos in total. From among these we'll specifically point out the following:
      TC3 (Crouching Hard Kick -> Standing Hard Kick).
      TC4 (Far or Close Medium Punch -> Hard Punch -> Back + Hard Punch).
      TC5 (Close Light Punch -> Light Kick -> Medium Punch).
      TC4 especially should see use from a poke or after a jump-in as a quick source of damage.
      TC5 can be used to allow time to buffer into Genei-Jin (Super) from normal moves, or be used with a special move for a regular damaging combo, and so on.

      • Zangief
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      • Zangief's EX Green Hand no longer knocks down and this puts him in range to set up for another grab. On hit, it also leaves him at a slight frame advantage. Some people say the EX Green Hand still knocks down on Counter Hit though.

      • Range on his Ultra 2 was increased — A LOT — but so was the recovery time. This also travels horizontally now, so it can even grab people jumping away.

      • Light Punch Spinning Piledriver may have more grab range as well.

      • The range on his Short Jump seems to be shorter, although this is not conclusive yet.

      • Punch Lariat has a better hitbox.

      • A Zangief player (defender) who'd just been hit by an EX Green Glove did a Spinning Piledriver that beat out another Gief's (attacker) Spinning Piledriver.

      There was a gief player there that was constantly hitting the 5 game win streak limit, so I talked with him for a bit while in line and he really likes the fact that ex green hand does not knock down anymore. This was actually at the first location test for SF4 vanilla and it was a nightmare to deal with, and it's just as bad now. Because gief doesn't knock you down and he's still at +frames, you're going to have to make an educated guess on what to do next and you don't have much time. I saw this gief player do ex green hand into either lariat, another green hand, spd or low jab chained into ex green hand. It's a really strong mixup to have and I don't understand why people see this as a nerf.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 25 mal editiert, zuletzt von Rafi ()

    • SSF 4 Arcade Version

      SSF 4 Arcade Version

      bekanntlich wird capcom nun doch für die spielhallenfans in japan eine ssf4 version herausbringen. laut einem forumbeitrag auf wurde auf der comic con 2010 gesagt, es werden 7 neue charaktere hinzugefügt. unter anderem sollen alex und rolento in ssf4 arcade dabei sein.

      ono hatte es in interviews mehrfach gesagt, das es eine weitere version von ssf4 auf x360/ps3 in form eines dvd-release's nicht geben wird, aber ein kostenpflichtiger download für characters (dieser 7 neuen) oder für ein ssf4 arcade durchaus möglich wäre.…rning-244652/#post9233865

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von BeauCarigan ()

    • Rolento und Charlie denke ich mal.Aber es werden mehr als 2 neue Charaktere sein,da ich denke dass das die big announcement ist,die am Samstag in einen trailer vorgestellt wird.Capcom wird einen trailer mit 2 neuen Charaktere zeigen und dann alle 3 Monate weitere 2 neue Charaktere,bis das SSF4 roster 41 ist.
      Aber ich kann auch falsch liegen.
    • Tom & Jerry! FOSHO!

      ne mal ehrlich, charlie kann ich mir nun gar nich vorstellen.
      wird bestimmt auf jeden fall einer von den characteren sein die ono schon mochte: r. mika oder was weiss ich was da noch war.
      please respond
    • rumor:

      Und irgendwo dachte ich noch Hugo gelesen zu haben....

      EDIT: dies ist nicht meine Liste sondern Diskussion/Gerücht (wegen den neuen Avataren im PSN Store) auf Wobei R.Mika, Rolento (bestätigt) und Hugo doch Favs von Ono sind lt. älteren eventhubs Meldungen...

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Mic Witt ()

    • Rolento und Q wären mir am liebsten von deiner Liste MicWitt. Ein paar exotischere Chars wie Necro, Sodom oder Oro wären doch was feines, hauptsache es kommen keine weiteren Shotos oder 'Kopien' anderer Chars wie Nash.
    • 7 neue Charaktere? Wenn das war ist, dann frage ich mich gerade, wie das als DLC machbar sein soll... Gibts dann ein kostenloses Update für alle, muss man alle 7 zusammen kaufen oder einzeln? Wie sieht das für Leute aus, die sich die Charas nicht runterladen wollen würden? Können die noch online zocken?

      Weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, was ich von halten soll... so lange ist SSFIV noch nich draußen und jetzt nochn kostenpflichtiges Update, nach Möglichkeit noch in diesem Jahr zu bringen, wäre ziemlich naja...fragwürdig.

      Sicherlich geht es jetzt erstmal nur um die Arcadeversion, aber die Konsoleros im Stich lassen können sie, was die neuen angeht auch nich... .
      Kommt Zeit kommt Rat, bin gespannt.
      Endlich schnelles DSL... bin wieder dabei :)
    • Shaepe schrieb:

      7 neue Charaktere? Wenn das war ist, dann frage ich mich gerade, wie das als DLC machbar sein soll... Gibts dann ein kostenloses Update für alle, muss man alle 7 zusammen kaufen oder einzeln? Wie sieht das für Leute aus, die sich die Charas nicht runterladen wollen würden? Können die noch online zocken?

      Weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, was ich von halten soll... so lange ist SSFIV noch nich draußen und jetzt nochn kostenpflichtiges Update, nach Möglichkeit noch in diesem Jahr zu bringen, wäre ziemlich naja...fragwürdig.

      Sicherlich geht es jetzt erstmal nur um die Arcadeversion, aber die Konsoleros im Stich lassen können sie, was die neuen angeht auch nich... .
      Kommt Zeit kommt Rat, bin gespannt.

      solche updates werden eigentlichs og ehandhabt:

      ALLE müssen ein patch ziehen. das wie mit dem tournament dlc, machst spiel an und MUSST es laden ansosnten kansnte nt onlien zokkn [hatte ja auch balance patches drinne]. der eigentliche DLC wird dann ein einfacher "freischaltcode" sein der dann dafür sorgt das du die 7 neuen character auswählen kannst. wie ebend die kostüme, kannst vom gegner alternative 2 auch sehn obwohl du es selbst net gekauft hast. du wirst dann immernoch gegen diese character online zokkn können, nur ebend nicht ALS ebend diese.

      neue balacne und mvoesets werden demnach "free" sein, getragen durch die kosten derjenigen die die chars kaufen.

      hallte das vollkommen für ok. es ist NEUER content derentwickelt wird und nach release angeboten wird, anders wie bei den costümen. dafür geb ich auch ohne schlechtes gewissen geld aus.
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