MOV in Amerika (Infos zu 3S Option Selects, Japanischen Spielern usw)

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    • MOV in Amerika (Infos zu 3S Option Selects, Japanischen Spielern usw)


      MOV ist gerade auf Besuch in Amerika und die Blogeinträge / Diskussionen von DenjinArcade dürften für den ein oder anderen interessant sein:

      U.a. hat er den Amis ein paar Option Selects gezeigt, die ich bisher noch nicht kannte. Hier ist der Post auf SRK:

      misterbean97 schrieb:

      some things that MOV has taught i said earlier in my blog post, only about 2% of 3rd strike players actually use these techniques. due to language barriers there might be some misinterpretation of what he really said (most likely the case). here are some of the more interesting techniques he has told me about

      if you are blocking a jump in attack while standing, the opponent has the option to hit you at the peak or the lowest of the jump. what this technique entails is for the player to crouch and parry the jump in as late as possible. by doing so, the opponent can only hit you with a deep jump in attack rather than an early one (attack will whiff). punish accordingly after parry (ex: ken parries deep jump in, kara shoryu, kara shoryu = DONE). you can practice doing this correctly by parrying gill's kneedrop. if you do it wrong you have to parry twice, however,if you did it right you only parry once and gill will drop in front of you.

      first off in japanese terminology, blocking = guard, blocking = parry, lol. block for 6 frames, then jump on 7th frame. example situation: yun vs ken. yun jumps over ken. yun player initiates GUARD JUMP technique.
      - if ken does meaty low forward as yun lands, yun is able to block
      - if ken tries to grab as yun lands, yun jumps out
      difficult to execute, but is practical

      this is the technique that letbloodrun was talking about earlier. basically what you do is jump and press throw at the same time. no attack animation should come out as you jump. in terms of frame data, you want to guard for 6 frames, then on the 11 frame jump + throw. you must JUMP GRAB as late as possible.
      example: ken walks up to you, and you initiate JUMP GRAB at 11th frame
      - if he tries to throw you tech
      - if he tries to cr short short, you will jump over it
      - if he tries to st. strong fierce you will be able to block (very difficult)
      very very very hard technique

      on wake up, tap down before first frame, then immediately tap up/forward. if parry connects (low parry), confirm, then counter attack. if opponent tries to throw you will jump out.

      if you are in walking animation you are not able to parry without hitting neutral. to parry things while you walk, go from downforward to forward, hit neutral, then press forward again. good against fireballs/tackles.

      PS: updated,…12&viewfull=1#post8404912

      Auch sehr interessant die Infos zu einigen 3rd Strike Legenden, von denen man in letzter Zeit nix mehr gehört hat:
      - Ino has disappeared again!
      - Matsuda has also gone MIA. Word has it that his body is now fully tatted and he is currently training for K-1.
      - Keeper has stopped playing also. He is now playing Shmups (shoot em ups) because he says they are easier than fighting games.
      - Kuroda has stopped playing because he thinks everyone is too weak in 3rd strike. Prior to 3rd strike, Kuroda was a top player in KOF and GGXX. MOV said Kuroda was actually Ogawa's (top GG player) teacher. According to Ogawa, Kuroda is the #1 fighting game player in the world. I believe it.

      ROFL, Ino wieder auf der Flucht vor der Yakuza? Kuroda sucht nach neuen Herausforderungen? Na, spätestens zur Tougeki taucht er wieder auf, hoffe ich ^^
      Gazörd Master of the
      Rührei-Ninjutsu Kakutou-Ryu Dojo Ruhrpott

      "Wenn es trifft, ist es nicht random!"

      Doitsu Dashpunch #2 of 3

      3rd Strike: Ken, Necro, Makoto, Ibuki
      Garou: Gato, Terry
      KOFXIII: ?
      VF5FS: ...
    • RE: MOV in Amerika (Infos zu 3S Option Selects, Japanischen Spielern usw)

      Ramza schrieb:

      Kuroda is the #1 fighting game player in the world. I believe it.

      Das glaube ich auch!
      Follower of the
      ゲーセン道 - The Way of the Arcade
      Doitsu Dashpunch #1 of 3
    • So richtig das sein mag was er da sagt (hab sehr viel kuroda stuff gesehn) klingt es dennoch ziemlich arrogant, hätt nich gedacht dass ein spruch dieser art von einem top spieler wie ihm kommt :huh:
      West Combo Legasteniker
      Meine Games/Mainchars:
      Spoiler anzeigen
      ST: Deejay
      Zörd Strike: Ken SA3
      USF4: Abel
      SF5: Urien
      SF X Tekken: Ken X Hugo
      Tekken 7: Lili
      Divekick: M(A)R.N
      Battle Fantasia: Ashley
      Arcana Heart 3: Eko
      Melty Blood AACC: C-Nero
      Hokuto no Ken: Juda
      DB Fighter Z: Goku, Future Trunks, Perfect Cell
    • Kann mir das jemand mit dem Guard Jump mal erläurtern? Ich versteh nicht ganz wie ich mir das vostellen muss.. zumindest wie ich 6 Frames vor dem Sprung blocken soll..
      "The real challenge is to stay in range of the long-term pespective when you are under fire and hurting in the middle of the war. This is at the core of the art of learning"
      -- Josh Waitzkin

      GG AC Engine FAQ
    • MOV rapes us really bad. to get an idea of how bad the rape is, we were asking him how he ranks the players in japan. the most complete player at 100% skill level is kuroda. in 2nd place, with a skill level percentage of 7% is MOV. in 3rd place, with a percentage of 3% is momochi. the rest of the players in japan are somewhere from 0-1%. lol. we asked what he thought of the many players that we looked up to, almost all of them he said were weak. it is obvious that kuroda and MOV are on a totally different level from everyone else.

      sehr beeindruckende Einschätzung.
      MOV spielt aber noch 3rd oder?
    • MOV rapes us really bad. to get an idea of how bad the rape is, we were asking him how he ranks the players in japan. the most complete player at 100% skill level is kuroda. in 2nd place, with a skill level percentage of 7% is MOV. in 3rd place, with a percentage of 3% is momochi. the rest of the players in japan are somewhere from 0-1%. lol. we asked what he thought of the many players that we looked up to, almost all of them he said were weak. it is obvious that kuroda and MOV are on a totally different level from everyone else.

      Ich denke MOV sagt, dass Kuroda bei 100% ist, weil er jeden Charakter beherrscht. Ansonsten waere die Aussage viel zu krass, lol, als ob sich MOV und Kuroda 7:100 trennen wuerden. Ich glaube die Amis sind mal wieder hart auf auf dem omg japaneseplayer aka. ihr seid alle schwul trip.

      Ich hab mal ein Interview von denen mit Rikkimaru gesehen, mann mann mann, fanboyism deluxe...

      ABGESEHEN davon:

      uebelst nice infos von dem guten MOV :good:
      - Wämpaier Sejfjohr -

      SFIII, da bin ich dabei.
    • das ändert doch aber nichts daran
      we asked what he thought of the many players that we looked up to, almost all of them he said were weak. it is obvious that kuroda and MOV are on a totally different level from everyone else.

      er hält die ganzen anderen für schwach; wobei mich interessiert ob er das von Daigo auch früher dachte. :S
      Er hält sogar Hayao, RX, Boss und co für schwach

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Kongo Fox ()

    • Shoto schrieb:

      Kann mir das jemand mit dem Guard Jump mal erläurtern? Ich versteh nicht ganz wie ich mir das vostellen muss.. zumindest wie ich 6 Frames vor dem Sprung blocken soll..

      Haben wir gestern auch diskutiert... Denke mal der Sinn dahinter ist "Lost in Translation" ;)
      Gazörd Master of the
      Rührei-Ninjutsu Kakutou-Ryu Dojo Ruhrpott

      "Wenn es trifft, ist es nicht random!"

      Doitsu Dashpunch #2 of 3

      3rd Strike: Ken, Necro, Makoto, Ibuki
      Garou: Gato, Terry
      KOFXIII: ?
      VF5FS: ...
    • Neues Update auf

      -He considers Jiro garbage, and Uraken/Yuki Otoko as cunning players, with poor fundamentals
      -He thinks Kuroda is crazy, and has never seen him eat or go to the bathroom
      -He says 2006-2007 was a huge year for him (when he learned most of his techniques), and that he was a different player in 2006
      -Ma Junior is really into smoking weed

      Gazörd Master of the
      Rührei-Ninjutsu Kakutou-Ryu Dojo Ruhrpott

      "Wenn es trifft, ist es nicht random!"

      Doitsu Dashpunch #2 of 3

      3rd Strike: Ken, Necro, Makoto, Ibuki
      Garou: Gato, Terry
      KOFXIII: ?
      VF5FS: ...
    • Drehkick schrieb:

      Kann es sein das jeglicher content zu MOV von der Seite runtergenommen wurde? Der aktuellste Blogeintrag is "Pyro gets nasty".Außerdem sollte es doch Videos zum Tunier geben, weiß jemand was von?

      Die weinen auf srk grad rum, weil auf dem Blog wohl ein paar Infos gepostet wurden, die nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt waren (siehe das Zitat aus meinem ersten Post) und zudem falsch übersetzt waren.
      Gazörd Master of the
      Rührei-Ninjutsu Kakutou-Ryu Dojo Ruhrpott

      "Wenn es trifft, ist es nicht random!"

      Doitsu Dashpunch #2 of 3

      3rd Strike: Ken, Necro, Makoto, Ibuki
      Garou: Gato, Terry
      KOFXIII: ?
      VF5FS: ...
    • Benutzer online 1

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