The KOF 2002 UM arcadia cup tournament will start at 1:00pm Japanese time on December 5th.
Here is the site for the live
zitat von X20ASTRIKEFREEDOM @ srk.
hier der blog mit bildern und bracket:
update 2, neue info, wichtig:
Just so you are prepared, you need to install some software to view their stream.…l=ja&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
A little wonky cause of Google translation but it should do. The top section tells to download Java, most people should have it but you can dl that and click 'You can check here' to make sure it works. Under the images of the dialog boxes is another section where you download UG Live. Click 'environment, download applications' to dl it, install and click 'You can check here' to make sure that works. You should see a sample windows media player stream. Note that you MUST use Internet Explorer. The only other way is to use an IE plugin or something in Firefox or another browser.
And just so you know, it is totally possible that foreigners will not be able to watch the stream...they've used this software to stream VF tourneys that blocked foreign IPs.
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