Char Wechsel!!!

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    • Char Wechsel!!!

      so leute ich überlege von rog auf akuma umzusteigen bin schon seit 2 tagen am basics üben und mir die frame tabele angucken, ich glaub sein game play liegt mir ganz gut paar tips wären sehr nice combos funktioieren schon ganz gut muss noch lockerer werden hab ja lange kein shoto mehr gespielt richtig .
    • schon klar, dass das ein schock für mich ist, oder? ^^ aber ich freu mich man, yeah! akuma-sparing mit bomb, wie geil ist das denn! hast heute abend zeit? :P

      zum thema: ich könnte hier jetzt einen zweistündigen vortrag über akuma halten, du müsstest dich schon etwas konkretisieren... ^^

      EDIT: kara-demon: bringt als ultra, dass die jabs nicht rauskommen und du den gegner nicht resettest. bringt als super: das gleiche, plus dass er unescapable wird, wenn du nah genug dran bist.
      z.b. jump-in, jab mal 1-2 (je nachdem wie nah du nach jump-in am gegner stehst), kara-demon (super). trifft 100%ig.
    • ideale voraussetzungen!

      will zwar nicht umsteigen, aber schaue mir seit ein paar tagen gouki (hat knapp gegen seth gewonnen) sehr intensiv an.

      nach ein paar knoten in den fingern bin ich mittlerweile soweit, seine bnbs recht konstant rauszubringen, trainiere intensiv resets (unsafe, macht aber höllisch spaß) und palm strike-whiff varianten.

      lass uns mal ein paar mirrors machen. die verbindung war ja letztens astrein.

      zum kara-super. wenn ich den super ohne kara eingebe, kann der gegner bei point-blank-range auch nicht mehr rausspringen. um wieviel erhöht sich die "unescapable-range" beim kara-super?
    • jo ok da hätte ich auch drauf kommen können wegen den japs und reset deshalb der cancel in den overhead was haltet ihr eigentlich von dem tsujinrai demon also lp+hk ~mp*~lk+hp absolut gestörte eingabe hab ich gestern auch nur in der vorm 2x geschaft das der ultra bevor der 1 hit vom hk trifft rauskommt. bnbs links soweit kein prob gehen schon ganz gut aber sind ja auch sehr großzügig, f.lp, geht auch schon ganz ok ist ja ne variante an ryu da ich sowieso immer mit ryu im p-mode bin.

      @kiku ich störe doch mit dem thrad niemand ist ja kein diskussions thread und hab auch kein bock 16 seiten im akuma thread durchzulesen über sachen von vor 6 monaten.
    • RE: Char Wechsel!!!

      Eternalbomb schrieb:

      so leute ich überlege von rog auf akuma umzusteigen bin schon seit 2 tagen am basics üben und mir die frame tabele angucken, ich glaub sein game play liegt mir ganz gut paar tips wären sehr nice combos funktioieren schon ganz gut muss noch lockerer werden hab ja lange kein shoto mehr gespielt richtig .
      krass, ich hab seit tsunami`s arena von akuma auf ryu gewechselt.
      freu mich schon deinen akuma am weekend zu sehen. :thumbup:
      Wenn sich deine Schulter bewegt dann seh ich das!!!
    • Sho|Ryu|Ken schrieb:

      Da macht sich Shii mühe für die Wiki und dann wird die nichtmal anerkannt. :(

      ich hab garnicht in die wiki reingeschaut hab bei eventhubs die frame tabele mir angeguckt und bei srk diese liste mal abgecheckt...

      There are about a million other variations, but this should give people a start. I've listed combos with and without EX meter, and given some recommendations for combos you should use in a real match.

      [ LEGEND ]

      - indicates a chain (moves can be almost mashed out, but you will be unable to 2-1 cancel)
      c crouching version of normal attack
      (c) close version of normal attack
      (f) far version of normal attack
      [#] Amount of EX Meters required
      FADC Focus Attack Dash Dance
      * recommended combo (easy to do in a match)

      Combo format is as follows:

      [EX] DMG (STUN): COMBO

      All combos tested vs RYU unless otherwise stated.

      [ VORTEX ]

      When talking about Akuma, you are sure to hear about the "Vortex". This technique involves knocking the opponent down and making them guess against an overhead attack (jump-in, dive-kick etc), a low attack (c.LK, c.HK), an empty jump whiff (which leads into a low or a throw), and many other advanced options, which come after the opponent understands how to deal with the first set of mix-ups.

      The easiest (and primary) way to initiate the Vortex is from QCB+LK into c.HP (sweep). The sweep is untechable and puts you in a great position to start your Vortex options. However, QCB+LK, c.HK does not work on all characters. This is why you may hear that the "Vortex" doesn't work on certain characters. In fact, the initial (easy) setup doesn't work, but all the options still all work if you can knockdown with a sweep.

      If you knock down the opponent with a sweep normally, or a crossup air Hurricane Kick and juggle with sweep, all of the options become available on any character. Just keep in mind that you cannot sweep after a QCB+LK on all characters, so adjust your strategies accordingly.

      Here is a list of characters that QCB+LK, c.HK works on and doesn't work on:

      [YES] Akuma, Boxer, Cammy, Chun-Li, Claw (Vega), Dan, Dhalsim, Fei Long, Gouken, Guile, Honda, Rose, Sagat, Seth, Viper, Zangief

      [NO] Abel, Blanka, Dictator (Bison), Fuerte, Gen, Ken, Rufus, Ryu

      Combos that end in a Vortex setup are highlighted in red.


      This section is for match combos and the little subtleties about them that you should know. While these combos may not be the absolute best damage, they are consistent (especially if playing online). Some of these combos will be repeated below in the "Normal Combos" section. The goal here is to quickly outline the foundation of Akuma combos so that people can jump right in and have something to use right out of the gate and things to work on for each scenario.

      Starting combos with c.LK lessens the damage, even compared to starting with c.LP. However, since it's fast and hits low, it's usually a good opener. Keep in mind that many of these combos do quite a bit more damage and stun if you start with just the c.MP instead of the c.LK-c.LP opener.

      In many cases, c.MP -> QCB+LK will whiff (try c.MP, c.MP ->: QCB+LK against Blanka). This is also evident in combos that use HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK. On some characters it will completely whiff. If you substitute c.LP -> QCB+LK instead, most of the time the Hurricane Kick will connect. Keep that in mind, especially when trying combos against Blanka (who seems to avoid c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK combos).

      - Basic -

      Handy when you have a limited amount of time to get the first hit in.

      [0] 221 (370): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 269 (370): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      [2] 308 (470): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      This last combo is relatively easy to do but it does not work on every char mid-screen (Guile for example). One option is to replace the c.MP with a linked c.LP into QCB+LK. This will result in 276 (430).

      [0] 258 (460): HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK (can also use c.HP to start)
      [0] 322 (460): HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (can also use c.HP to start)

      [2] 379 (600): HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (can also use c.HP to start)

      Very easy to perform when someone leaves themselves wide open and you know you can get a max-damage starter. If you aren't 100% sure, use c.MP instead. This will do 30 less damage for each combo (but is very hard to mess up).

      [2] 355 (650): HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 403 (650): HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      This is a variation on the combo above. It is useful if you feel your execution (and the connection) is good enough. It is a slight increase over the 379 damage combo above, and it comes with a greater risk. If you miss at any point before the QCB+LK, your opponent is still standing. If you aren't 100% certain, stick with the early QCB+LK option.

      - vs Crouching -

      [0] 148 (250): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+P

      You can actually do slightly more damage by finishing with c.MK instead of QCF+P but it's really not worth it.

      [1] 190 (320): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+PP
      [1] 246 (355): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+KK

      These options work against crouching opponents since QCB+LK will not hit. After EX Fireball in corner, DP+HP will connect 256 (380). For the second combo, sometimes the EX Hurricane hits 1 less time for a total of 218 (320) instead. Still slightly more damage than the first combo. With the opponent's back in the corner, if the EX misses a hit, the opponent will remain in the corner and can be juggled with DP+HP for 284 (380).

      [2] 310 (520): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 334 (520): c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      The purpose of this combo is to take someone crouching and get them standing for the QCB+LK. The ultimate goal, of course, is to get them into the mixups off c.HK knockdown. Since it doesn't work on all characters, you can finish with DP+HP instead. Pay attention to distance as well. If you are too close, you will get HK(c) and the combo will end.

      - Stand HK(far) -

      [0] 313 (520): HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 369 (520): HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      [2] 417 (640): HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 426 (711): HK(f), c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 458 (711): HK(f), c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      Very handy when fishing for stand HK(f) hits. You can also use c.LP instead of c.MP which will do 40 less damage to each of the 0 EX combos, and a little over 20 damage less to the 2 EX combos. When playing online, c.LP is much more reliable.

      - Jumping -

      [0] 303 (520): j.HK, c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 359 (520): j.HK, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      [2] 407 (640): j.HK, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      These are very basic jump-in combos that can be used in almost any jump-in opportunity. The reason I list c.MP instead of HP(c) is because depending on the range, HP(c) will come out and completely whiff. With c.MP, you can actually land and move up a short step before performing c.MP -> QCB+LK. You can actually walk up and HP(c) as well, but when you walkup c.MP, you are in perfect position to finish QCB+LK. If you decide to use HP(c), the combo will do 389 damage total. If you decide to use the DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP finisher, you will add 48 more damage (for 407 and 437 damage respectively).

      [2] 430 (720): j.HK, c.MP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 454 (720): j.HK, c.MP, c.MP -> QCF+P -> FADC, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      Here are more complex variations of the jump-in combo with 2 EX. These net 80 more stun and a slight damage increase. Not recommended for online play (or offline play if your execution isn't up to par).

      [0] 242 (385): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), c.LP-c.LP, c.LP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 282 (385): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), c.LP-c.LP, c.LP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      [0] 303 (520): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 359 (520): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      [2] 407 (640): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, DP+HP

      [2] 425 (680): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 425 (680): DP+K,K (Dive Kick), HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      Here are some variants of the Demon Flip Dive Kick combo. The first set is for use when you aren't sure if the dive kick will hit or not so you utilize c.LP's to hit-confirm. If the Dive Kick is done close (in front or as a crossup), all three c.LP's will hit on most characters. If you know that the Dive Kick is going to hit for sure, then opt for stand HP(c) into QCB+LK. This will net you a ton more damage. It's not recommended to use FADC cancels on the first combo due to the large amount of hits.

      [2] 361 (570): (air) QCF+PP, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 409 (570): (air) QCF+PP, HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      These combos are most useful when jumping straight up against opponents that like to c.MK or c.HK people that land from jumps. In order to get this combo consistently, make sure you take a step or two forward while the Fireballs are hitting in order to get in to the proper range for the far HK. If you are too far, your c.MP will miss. If you are too close, you will end up getting the close HK (which has no follow-ups).

      - Counter Hit -

      [0] 369 (595): c.MP(CH), HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 417 (595): c.MP(CH), HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      ... more to come.

      - Focus Attack -

      [0] 292 (360): MP+MK (full), DP+HP
      [2] 349 (500): MP+MK (full), DP+LP, FADC, HCB+HP

      Both combos are easily done if you miss the Focus Attack Dash.

      [0] 335 (550): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [0] 383 (550): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      [2] 422 (650): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 401 (680): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, c.HK
      [2] 433 (680): MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCF+P -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      Very standard combos. You've seen this theme over and over. No need to explain.

      [0] 564: MP+MK (full), dash, LP,LP,b,LK,HP (Ultra)

      Pretty simple. Just practice your timing. Sort of a waste unless this combo will kill them seeing as Ultra RD does 600 DMG by itself.

      [ OTHER COMBOS ]

      [0] 163: c.LK-c.LP-c.LP, DP+LP (must be close)
      [0] 175: c.LP-c.LP-c.LP, DP+LP (must be close)

      [0] 164: c.LP-c.LP, DP+LP (works from most ranges except super far)
      [0] 212: c.LP-c.LP, DP+HP (must be semi close for all 3 hits of DP+HP)

      [0] 263: c.LK-c.LP, HP(c) -> DP+HP

      *[0] 229: c.LK-c.LP, c.LK -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (vs standing only)
      [0] 269: c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (vs standing only)
      *[2] 308: c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (vs standing only)

      [2] 265: c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (vs standing only)
      [4] 322: c.LK-c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (vs standing only)

      [0] 212: c.MP, LP, c.MK -> QCB+HK(2-hits)

      *[0] 322: HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (can also use c.HP to start)
      [2] 350: HP(c) -> DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP
      *[2] 379: HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (can also use c.HP to start)
      [4] 442: HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 391: HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.LP,HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      *[2] 403: HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [2] 442: HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 411: HP -> QCB+HK(1hit) -> FADC, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK -> DP+HP
      [4] 441: HP -> QCB+HK(1hit) -> FADC, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK -> DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      *[0] 389: jump HK, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [2] 437: jump HK, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP
      *[2] 455: jump HK, HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [4] 485: jump HK, HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 503: jump HK, far HK(2hit), HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [4] 524: jump HK, far HK(2hit), HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [0] 313: crossup MK, c.LP, HP(c) -> DP+HP
      [2] 361: crossup MK, c.LP, HP(c) -> DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP
      [2] 395: crossup MK, c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.HP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [4] 425: crossup MK, c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.HP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [0] 343: crossup MK, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (only if standing)
      [2] 382: crossup MK, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, HP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (only if standing)

      [0] 359: crossup MK, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP (only if standing)
      [2] 407: crossup MK, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+LP (only if standing)
      [4] 455: crossup MK, HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP (only if standing)

      *[0] 359: crossup MK, c.HP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      *[2] 407: crossup MK, c.HP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 389: crossup MK, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+HK(1hit) -> FADC, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [4] 401: crossup MK, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+HK(1hit) -> FADC, c.LP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [4] 396: crossup MK, c.LP, c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HK(2-hits), c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HK(2-hits), c.MP -> QCB+LK -> DP+HP

      [0] 270: crossup QCB+HK, DP+HP
      [2] 330: crossup QCB+HK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [1] 308: HK(f), c.MP -> HCB+KK

      * [0] 369: HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [2] 414: HK(f), c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      *[2] 417: HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [4] 444: HK(f), c.MP -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [1] 370: HK(f), HP(c) -> QCB+KK

      Focus Attack Combos:

      [0] 204: MP+MK (full), QCB+HK (2) (FADC not needed, cannot be max range)
      [0] 228: MP+MK (full), d+HK (FADC not needed)

      *[0] 383: MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [0] 403: MP+MK (full), dash, c.MP, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      *[2] 422: MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 433: MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [4] 454: MP+MK (full), dash, HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+LP -> FADC, HCB+HP

      [2] 372: MP+MK (full), dash, c.LP,HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, c.LP,c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP
      [2] 405: MP+MK (full), dash, c.LP,HP(c) -> QCF+HP -> FADC, HP(c) -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      All Focus Attack Combos assume max level charge.

      Silly Combos:

      vs Gief: 394: crossup MK, c.MP, LP(f), HK(f), c.MP -> QCB+LK, DP+HP

      vs Gief: 360: crossup MK, c.MP, LP(f), HK(f), LP(f), HK(f), c.MK -> QCF+HP ... (can FADC here to continue)

      vs Gief: 315: HK(f), LP(f), HK(f), LP(f), HK(f) ... (c.MK to continue combo...)

      Special Notes:

      c.HP stands a crouching opponent up (works well for QCB+LK).
      Most (if not all) jump in combos can begin with DP+K,K (subtract 30 dmg) or Dive Kick (subtract 40 dmg).


      60: LP(c), LP(c) (note: slight pause to link and not 'chain')
      70: LP(c), LK(c)

      100: LP(c), MP(c)
      116: LP(c), LP(c), c.MP

      124: LP(c), LP(c), MP(f)
      116: LP(c), LP(c), c.MP
      116: LP(c), LP(c), c.MK
      156: LP(c), LP(c), HP(f)
      148: LP(c), LP(c), c.HK

      100: LP(c), MK(c)
      140: LP(c), HK(c)
      140: LP(f), HK(f)
      140: LP(f), c.HK

      100: c.LP, MP(c)
      100: c.LP, c.MP
      100: c.LP, c.MK
      156: c.LP, c.MP, c.MK
      130: c.LP, HP(c)

      126: LK(c), LP(f), c.MK
      158: LK(c), LP(f), HK(f)
      110: LK(c), c.MP
      110: LK(c), c.MK

      106: c.LK-c.LP, c.MP
      130: c.LK-c.LP, HP(c)
      123: c.LK-c.LP-c.LP, c.MK
      123: c.LK-c.LP, LP(c), c.MK

      166: c.MP, LK(c), c.MK
      140: c.MP, MP(c)
      196: c.MP, c.MP, c.MK
      140: c.MP, MK(c)
      170: c.MP, HP(c)

      196: HK(f), LP(c), c.MK
      180: HK(f), c.MP
      180: HK(f), c.MK
      210: HK(f), HP(c) (depends on starting position of far HK)
    • Lass krachen Volkan, ganz wirst eh nicht von Rog wegkommen aber dein akuma war schon interessant gestern!

      Den thread find ich sinnvoll, da können sich die user doch ganz gut austauschen wenn's ums switchen generell geht!
      "Hallo ich bin der Yilmaz und ich such ein geiler Weib"

      Right leg hospital, left leg cemetary
    • Damirovic schrieb:

      Den thread find ich sinnvoll, da können sich die user doch ganz gut austauschen wenn's ums switchen generell geht!

      seh ich genauso - wenns zig threads gibt, die sich mit dem umstieg von pad auf stick beschäftigen, hat imo auch ein thread daseinsberechtigung, der hilfe beim charwechsel gibt.

      wie eignet ihr euch einen neuen char an? auf was achtet ihr anfangs, was hat für euch weniger priorität?

      wenn ich mich mal auf einen char festlege, geh ichs in etwa folgendermaßen an:
      - trials machen
      - combos/execution lernen
      - öfter mal online/offline als funchar einsetzen und erfahrung sammeln
      - weiter combos üben, möglichst oft im kampf einsetzen (auch wenn andere optionen besser wären, immer eine bestimmte combo machen um sie auch unter druck zu können)
      - setups ausprobieren
      - über lowtier aufregen, nächsten char ansehen ;(
    • mach weiter so bomb,

      ich find das prima mal nen anderen char zu lernen.hab mit ryu angefanen,dann ken,dann hab

      hab ich nen echt krassen gouki gesehen.(dann stand fest..ich will gouki),dann hab ich mir gouken

      angeguckt........und jetzt seit 3wochen seth..da ich aber gegen den verdammten rog net klarkomme,

      werd ich jetzt mal ne zeit rog spielen um das matchup besser zun verstehen............................

      ich hassssssee balrog
      09er noob. na und???
    • Eternalbomb schrieb:

      alter tips keine langen gesichter ^^ kara demon was birngt er wirklich.
      Irgendwie witzig. Abgesehen davon das ich mit Chun begonnen hab, dann überging zu Guile hab ich jetzt auch 'ne ganze Zeit lang Rog gespielt und muss sagen das mir das grösstenteils irgendwie zu einfach ist. Spiele seit kurzem auch wieder viel Akuma und der Kara Demon (wenn man's raus hat mit dem Input) hat mir bis jetzt recht oft geholfen. Sprich : wenn du ihn close zum Gegner ausführen kannst fallen eigentlich 80 % drauf rein und gehen zum Block über. Natürlich ist's echt relativ schwer den anzubringen und ich mach's meistens sowieso nur wenn ich klar die Überhand im Match habe.

      Combos brauch ich dir glaub ich nicht zu verklickern. Falls doch welche sehen willst hab ich'n paar auf meinem Youtube Channel. Schickste mir einfach ma 'ne PM !