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  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Zitat von Kingcar: „You can sent it to me via PM please? Would be nice to have one in the Dojo. “ I'm out of codes now guys! But at least one of them will make its way to the dojo Only problem is that I don't think the servers will be up tomorrow. Here's the time table they sent me:

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Hey guys, sorry for the off-topic, but I got two codes for DBFighterZ Beta which happens this weekend. Unfortunately I can't make use of them because I'll be on a company trip, so I wanted to share them with my friends from the Dojo. If anyone wants it, just PM me today or tomorrow and I will send you. First come first served!

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Not gonna be able to show up tonight. Sadly Hopefully I see you guys next week though!

  • My Jukebox Playlist

    DVincent - - Tekken 7


    Glad you guys like it! @machomanmo I've changed 3 tracks from the list I sent you (Mishima Dojo 1 and the Precipice of Fate ones which were absent originally)

  • Tekken 7 Informationsartikel

    DVincent - - Tekken 7


    Frame Data now available on a nice Google Spreadsheet Can copy, dl, filter data, etc.

  • My Jukebox Playlist

    DVincent - - Tekken 7


    As some people don't like Tekken 7's default tracks so much, and I'm well-versed in the old soundtracks, I've decided to create my own custom playlist using the Jukebox feature. Tekken music is no SF3, I must warn you, there's just so much I could "improve"... Anyways, if anybody is interested in changing up their songs, here are my recommendations: Mishima Dojo 1 Baek Doo San (Double Drumming Mix) / Tekken 2 Mishima Dojo 2 Formless Like Water / Tekken 5 Forgotten Realm 1 Ogre Stage (Console ver…

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    I can't go today, unfortunately. Nothing is gonna stop me next week though!

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Unfortunately I won't be attending this saturday! There will be a company trip this week and I'm only back on sunday evening. The following friday I'll gladly accept your challenge and anyone else's though

  • Insert Game MEDIA Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Thanks for capturing the moments so well, @riiya

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    "Cabs were very much used" indeed! hehehe Yeah despite having less people it was still fun. Btw if there's anything I can do to help on those days there's less people, handling the equipment or whatever, please let me know!

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Sadly I won't be able to go today. Have fun guys! Next week for sure though

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Yeah I know about the current scenario, but for some reason I thought the plan was to make it an extra friday just for the SFV ranbat (closing early or something). I'm glad that's not the case! As for the sundays, I can see the problem that you mentioned. I wish I had a suggestion or something to say about it, but I can't think of anything right now that could help boost attendance on that day.

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Wow thanks a lot for the explanation @riiya. That was really super nice of you Well, for me I'm all for the 3 ranbats & starting at 5pm. Have the ranbats on a friday would only be a problem if it's the day before the saturday regular ranbat, simply because I could not commit to two days in a row coming to the dojo most of the time. And again, I like meeting players of other games too, but I would be less inclined to do so if there were no players of my game either. (which makes me inclined to le…

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Reading through all the discussion on what to do about the KOF and SFV ranbats using google translate was rather amusing! I can elaborate my point further in person on friday when someone translates me exactly what's being decided on and why, but from what I gathered: I understand SFV is not the most popular in the dojo right now, but I think "killing it" from the main ranbat days may be harmful for the community. I see the ranbats as more of an opportunity to gather the players for longer than …

  • Vielen dank fur die Spaß Samstag! (is that right? haha) As always, it was a great pleasure to meet you all and enjoy some good matches. And sorry for screwing up a match when I was trying to connect a pad to another console I'll eventually get myself a new stick

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    I had a lot of fun in the dojo last friday! Thanks everyone who I met there, you guys were SUPER (with German accent)!! This friday I won't be available, but the week after I will come for sure

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Awesome! Thanks @Jonas

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    @Mo: That close? Sounds good! Yeah I wanna come. @Diz: No worries mate!

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Hey guys! Thanks for the warm welcome! Macho = Mo? If so, I didn't get your reply yesterday! On friday I could leave work around 17:00. The problem is to return, since I have a train to Luxembourg on saturday at 5am. If somebody can leave me at the Solingen train station sometime around 23:00, that would help. Otherwise, I can drop by on the ranbat weekend of 10-11th of September and stay there full time for sure. Diz, if you are also attending that one we can go together, what do you say? @Car:…

  • Insert Game NRW Dojo Thread

    DVincent - - Insertgame Solingen


    Hey guys! The Brazilian dude here. I met a few of you in person during Gamescom. Thanks for being so nice back then! A brief introduction: I've been living in Dusseldorf for the past 1 year, working at trivago, and I currently play Street Fighter V as Vega. Back in Brazil I was a fighting games blogger for 3 years and helped promoting and bonding the FGC in the country during the early days of SFIV, BlazBlue, etc. I "retired" from FGs in 2012 after moving from my old city to Sao Paulo and decidi…